AALM Board Election to be Held on July 13 2024

A letter from the AALM Board of Directors

Ivry Sur Le Lac

June 10, 2024

To: All members of the Association pour l”Amelioration du Lac Manitou et ses environs (“AALM”)

Re : Election to be held at AALM’s Annual General Meeting-July 13, 2024

In accordance with Article 5.6 of the By-Laws of the AALM, it has been determined that an in person, secret ballot,  election will be held for the members of Board of Directors to serve for a two year term from July 2024 to July 2026. The election will take place at Place Lagny, in Ste. Agathe des Monts.

The following procedure will be followed for this election:

  1. Geoff Harling as past president of the AALM will conduct the election, with the assistance of as many persons as he may appoint;

  2. Any member of the AALM who wishes to run for the Board of Directors and who has not already been nominated as listed below has a right to add their name to the list of candidates by indicating in writing to the President( Michael Prupas) or the Past President ( Geoff Harling) by June 28, 2024 their intention to run and by providing supporting nominations for their candidacy from at least 3 other paid up members of the Association.

  3. Each household which is a paid up member of the AALM by 9:30 a.m. on July 13, 2024 will have the right to cast one ballot.

  4. Printed ballots listing all nominated candidates will be handed to one member of each household as they arrive at the meeting room at Place  Lagny from 9:30a.m to 10:15 a.m.

  5. Members will be required to complete their ballots and insert them in the ballot box that will be provided at the back of the meeting room by 10:30 a.m.

  6. Members are entitled to vote for up to 17 candidates for the Board of Directors. Ballots voting for 17 or fewer candidates will be accepted but ballots with votes for more than 17 candidates will be disqualified.

  7. The Past President will supervise the counting of the ballots and the results of the election will be announced at the end of the meeting.

  8. Any issues relating to election matters either prior to or on the day of the election will be decided by the Past President, whose decisions will be final.

The following persons have been nominated as a slate by the 2022-2024 Board of Directors:

Joyce Arsenault Geoff Harling

Kyle Bebb Monica Heller

Margaux Beland Michel Lamothe

Elliot Berzan Alice Lehrer

Thomas Bourke Michael Prupas

Tim Dorey Kathie Swim

Louis Philippe Dorion Michael Vineberg

Boyd Fuller Marc Yedid

Jerry Golick

In addition completed nomination papers have been received from the following candidates:

Jefferson Adler Janet Logan

Scott Brown Andrea Patch Smith

Peter Clark

Immediately after the Nominations close on June 28, 2024, all AALM members will receive a final list of candidates along with a short Bio on each one.