Trail Clearing Day - October 28, 2024

The AALM's Trails Committee had another hugely successful trail clearing day on Saturday, Oct. 28, 2023, with over 75 volunteers ( plus at least 2 infants and numerous dogs)  making sure that our 50 kilometers long 15 trail network will be completely passable this coming year ( at least until the next big windstorm). Below are a couple of  great picture from  the group that cleared the popular Adams/Bucci Trail.  

"Happy Trails"to All AALM trail users

President's Letter and AALM Newsletter

President's Letter and AALM Newsletter

Since its incorporation 112 years ago, the AALM has done whatever is necessary to protect our lakes, land, and the many diverse pleasures that we are privileged to have in this special community. We also provide a forum for members to discuss our differences and to make our views known to governmental bodies at all levels. The AALM has more committees than ever looking after our members, each now with a distinct mandate and budget.

Plant update

As some of our residents are aware, there has been a significant growth of a particular plant in a section of Ivry Bay on Lac Manitou, which growth has prevented swimming in certain parts of that bay and has clogged the propellers of some motors. The AALM has shared photos of the plant in question with a professional biologist ( based in Mont Tremblant) and we have learnt that the plant in question is an Elodea, either Elodea Candens:is or Clodea Nuttallii, that it is indigenous to Canada and not an invasive species like Milfoil. The biologist speculates that its extraordinary growth this year is likely due to the warm weather that we experienced this summer.

We are not certain if the same phenomenon will reoccur next year and based on the advice of the biologist and the volunteer work or Ken Wagner who will be photographing the growth both this fall and next year, the AALM is going to determine , based on the advice of the biologist what, if anything, needs to be done in the future.

Here is a photo of the plant in question:

water weeds Fleising dock.jpg