AALM Election July 13 2024

The AALM 2022-2024 Board of Directors has released details about this summer’s election.

Here’s a quick synopsis of what you should know:

About the election

The seventeen members of the AALM Board of Directors are elected every two years. Those elected this July will serve from July 2024-June 2026.

Election date: July 13, 2024 9:30 am-10:15 am

Where: Place Lagny, Ste Agathe

Who can vote: Each member household in good standing* can cast one ballot to vote for up to 17 candidates.

Who can run: All members in good standing* may run for the Board.

*To be in good standing, members, must have paid their 2024 dues.


The AALM 2022-2024 Board of Directors put nominated a slate of 17 candidates:

Joyce Arsenault Geoff Harling

Kyle Bebb Monica Heller

Margaux Beland Michel Lamothe

Elliot Berzan Alice Lehrer

Thomas Bourke Michael Prupas

Tim Dorey Kathie Swim

Louis Phillippe Dorion Michael Vineberg

Boyd Fuller Marc Yedid

Jerry Golick

To date, five more candidates have submitted completed nominations.

Jefferson Adler Janet Logan

Scott Brown Andrea Patch Smith

Peter Clark

Running for the Board

To run for the AALM Board, please indicate your intentions to Board President Michael Prupas in writing before June 28, 2024. Include the names of three AALM members who support your candidacy. Only members who have paid their 2024 dues can nominate, run and vote.